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Powered By theEducationCollective

Midland Bursar Group Aims

To represent the views of Bursars, Business Managers and other Support Staff in schools within the Midlands region.
To meet on a regular (at least once a term) basis and to invite outside Speakers to talk to the group on current issues.
To enable regular networking opportunities between members.
To seek to raise the profile of Bursars, Business Managers and other Support Staff in schools.
To provide regular updates and consultation opportunities on both local and national issues.
To seek representation as appropriate on Local Authority Forums, Focus Groups and Working Parties.
To seek to provide a platform for New Members to join the group at any time.
To raise awareness of Professional Training and Development opportunities available to members in order to enhance their personal development and that of the leadership and management of their school.
To provide professional support to all members to enable them to both enhance and improve the effectiveness of their schools.